Fit 'out'
We have to be honest on a truth on something; why should we make any effort to 'fit' in? Do we really need to 'fit' ourselves into anyone’s' life? If you feel you need to make an effort to 'fit in' then you're in the wrong fact RUN! It's easy to re-programme the identity others have moulded you as during the first two decades of your life; though it's far more harder to undo the created identity you made of yourself because you're just focused on bettering it rather than de-escalating it with all the layers of outside' influences deliberately trying to diminish what you've made in your authentic moulding. Trying to 'fit in' is just building yourself up for a mental allergic rash reaction internally and then eventually externally; because it's not YOU.
This blog isn't just another distraction to re-frame you from your own personal mindset; we list objects on here because they represent a chain reaction thought connected to a feeling that will either get us motivated, excited during that journey of self-betterment. You might think why need those things? why not just be those things? Well on those hormonal days when you block off everything and everyone ; you have those few nice things that make your surroundings feel like you're at home, even if you do have a place it's not home 'home' if you recently moved you try and make it 'feel' more like it. Why wait for 'seasonal' holidays to poor your emotions on items you tend to not really need you just have them because you appreciate the gesture; and that is not the kind of Stash you want year in and year out lingering around the one place you want to call your own.
We want to bring you items that won't necessarily turn you into a minimalist...(unless that's your aim then great!) though we want to present you with items that help small step by step bettering your environment that cue the time you want to sit and snuggle in and finish that chapter in your book, that cue that feeling of writing endlessly relieving your mind from just everything congested into it... For those of you who have moved on your own into your very first rental, I can say yes it does take time to get used to a new place where it's just you and your things and trying to make it yours internally; takes time. Though slowly it will build itself up with character and looking a lot like 'your place'. A key buyer trick I used to use was every time I were to buy an interior decoration for my apartment I'd first think 'will this add meaning to my life?' or 'will this make my life better?' Yes hard core deep questions though self-reasoning comes in hand when your on that journey of progressing in decision making on what and in other cases; who' you want around in your life if your aim is to just be better at being better.
Below are a couple of desktop glam haves' by like this beautiful rose gold metal book stand, small and compact to keep your self-development or any other genre of your liking to keep in a visible location as a kind reminder to aim for that 'one chapter a day'
routine :
One more desktop glam have by is this little portable flip calendar with a sleek gold metal structure to flip those days by quick until that 'big' event or win or you know.. payday counts too..: